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Aging in Place: Valerie’s Spring Cleanup Tes...
Spring Cleanup Testimony from Valerie Our Aging in Place: Spring Cleanup initiative is one way Housatonic Habitat helps veterans and senior citizens in our community. Read a personal testimony from one of our happy homeowners. ” A sin...
Aging in Place: Sheila’s Spring Cleanup Test...
A Spring Cleanup Testimonial from John and Sheila A beautiful testimonial about our Spring Cleanup initiative. “We just wanted to send a note to let you all know that we appreciate the awesome job the volunteer team did during the Spr...
Aging in Place: A Spring Cleanup Homeowner Testimo...
Spring Cleanup Testimony from Fran and Glen “With gratitude and for all the hard work done on our gardens! We so appreciated a job well done. Everyone went above and beyond, and we cannot thank you enough for your service.” R...
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